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Lakshadweep Places to visit in Lakshadweep Best Time To Visit Lakshadweep How to Reach Lakshadweep Local transport in Lakshadweep Food of Lakshadweep Where to Stay Lakshadweep has one of the most beautiful and exotic islands and beaches in India. Lakshadweep is a tropical archipelago 36 miles off the coast of Kerala, India, and there are coral reefs in the Lakshadweep Sea. Not all islands are inhabited, and only a few are open to visitors (required permits). Kavaratti, one of the more developed islands, is home to dozens of mosques, including the decorative Ujra Mosque, as well as exhibiting the Kavaratti Aquarium, regional fish, shark and coral species. India's smallest union territory 'Lakshadweep' is a group of beautiful islands, located in the Arabian Sea, about 400 km off the west coast of India. However, only 36 islands have a total area of 32 square kilometres. It is made up of 12 atolls, 3 reefs and 5 submerged banks. Ten islands are inhabited. ...