Taxi / Cab-- Today, in practice, the two terms have blurred, because nearly all "cabs" are "taxis," which is short for "Taxicabs." The two separate terms exist because originally, there were horse-drawn "cabs" for hire. The problem was that cabmen were notoriously dishonest, and cheated customers by claiming longer or shorter distances traveled, or extorting money before leaving them in the right place. Then, someone invented "taximeters" - devices that could calculate the correct fare, based on time and distance; the fare would accumulate based on a clock when stopped - by distance traveled when moving. Cabs with taximeters were called "taximeter cabs." Eventually, automobiles were invented. Some automobiles were used as "cabs" - for hire, but without a taximeter. In 1907, when taximeters on automobiles finally took hold in London and New York, they called them "taxicabs" - sh...