Places to Visit in Shimla, Visit Shimla by Alfa Travel Blog

Places to Visit in Shimla, Visit Shimla by Alfa Travel Blog

·      Shimla 
·      How to Reach
·      Where to Stay
·      Places to Go
·      Where to Eat
·      Best Time to Visit

"Shimla", which is named after the Hindu Goddess, Shyamala Devi, an incarnation of Kali, which is also the capital and therefore the largest city of the northern Indian state Himachal Pradesh.
In 1864, also known as "Queen of Hills" in India, Shimla was declared as the summer capital of British India.
The tapestry of Himachal is woven with the most exquisite natural scenery and more than 7000 feet above sea level are lovely hills of Shimla, where it is situated the quaint hill station and capital of the state.
 Shimla evocative ambiance may be a blend of the fantastic past and a vivacious present before India achieved independence, Shimla was the summer capital of British India and the hill station was the principal destination of the sahibs and the memsahibs as they made their way to the cool mountain air of this region, many a legend and myth still survives about the high flown social lifetime of these expatriates.
It encircled the variety of buildings that are styled within the Tudorbethan and neo-Gothic architectures which date back from the colonial era, also the multiple temples and churches. The colonial architecture and churches, the temples and the natural environment of the city attracts tourists. The mall in Shimla was often the focal point for all social interludes, till today the mall remains the riot of color where holidaymakers spent every evening and therefore the lively atmosphere is heightened by the local band which plays every summer to entertain the tourists.
Airways:-  The Shimla Airport, also known as Jubbarhatti airport is around 20km away from the main city and is one of the very few airports at any of the hill stations. Probably one among the littlest airstrips, the ride is pretty bumpy within the plane when it lands. However, since this airport isn't functional throughout the year, hence it's advisable to settle on Chandigarh or Delhi as connecting airports. People coming by air till Chandigarh like better to book cabs to succeed in Shimla, which can take 3-4 hours. There are regular buses too. From Delhi airport, it roughly takes around 7-8 hours to arrive in Shimla.
Railways:- The nearest broad gauge railway station from Shimla is the Kalka Railway Station which is only 90 km away. Chandigarh Railroad station is additionally just 113 km far away from Shimla. From both of those railway stations, Shimla is well connected with local buses and cabs. Shimla has its own railroad station, but only railroad track trains from Kalka arrive here. It takes around 5-6 hours from Kalka to arrive here by train, but it is a magnificent journey with tonnes of tunnels and scenery which makes up for the extra time taken on the route.
Roadways:- Shimla is a hot tourist destination and buses run for Shimla from as far as Delhi, Jaipur, Punjab, Haryana, and parts of Uttar Pradesh

 Snow Valley Resort Shimla
 Ashiana Clarks Inn
 The Cedar Grand Hotel
 Hotel Willow Banks
 Amritara The Zion
 Clarks Hotel
 Hotel Marina
 Hotel Surya
 Hotel Combermere
 Cardinal Royale Retreat

1. The Ridge:- This is the most popular point in Shimla. Located on the Mall road, at the guts of Shimla, this is often a way loved and enjoyed stretch here, where visitors come and soak themselves within the views of surrounding areas.
2. Kufri:-this place just 13 km away from the main town which is much colder and can be regarded as a cousin of Shimla. The views and sceneries here only recover, and therefore the landscapes more flattering, a touch untouched with the tourist rush.
3. Tattapani:-Literally meaning hot water in Hindi, Tattapani is a small village located 51km away from Shimla. This place is legendary for decent water springs and therefore the famous Shiva caves.
4. Chail:-This small village in Himachali is situated at a height of 2250 m above sea level and is known as a hiker's paradise. Surrounded by lush greenery and mesmerizing views from such an excellent height, Chail is sure to provide the tourist a memorable journey.
5. Mall Road:-Shopping in Shimla revolves around the heart of the town- The Mall Road. One can buy local handicrafts, shawls, woolens, exquisite jewelry, etc. here.
6. Kalka Shimla Toy Train:-An enjoyable train ride through much of Kalka and Shimla and a little of what the British left behind, this is a must-try experience, while here. This route is one among the foremost picturesque train routes within the world and it passes through quite 100 tunnels it's a railroad track train route and it connects Kalka to Shimla.
7. Shimla Christ Church:-Located at the Mall Road itself, this church is the second oldest church in North India. The interiors and the neo-gothic structures are marvelous and appealing making this church one among the foremost important attractions in Shimla.
8. Jakhu Temple:- This temple has the world's largest Hanuman statue, which is visible from most parts of Shimla. Visit the temple, to look at this statue upright and strain your neck with a twist admiring its magnificence.
9. Green Valley:-The Green valley is approximately five minutes from a bus stand on the way to Kufri a beautiful mountain range. The valley is God's gift to the gorgeous city of Shimla. The greenery and wonder of the place is mesmerizing and believed to make you forget everything else.
10. Mashobra:-This is a small and relatively less explored town, at a distance of mere 10 km from main Shimla. Tourists come here to relax and unwind within the lap of nature where the richness in flora and fauna is in abundance.
11. Naldehra:- Naldehra is located around 22 km from Shimla and is famous for the Naldehra Golf Club. Situated at an altitude of 2200 m, this is often an 18 hole golf link and is one among the simplest golf courses in India.
12. Himachal State Museum:- The Himachal State Museum is located on the Mall Road and has unique collectibles like ancient coins, paintings, and other handicraft items, the aesthetics of which are influenced by the Pahari form of art
13. Theog: -A quiet escape, one of the less crowded attractions of the state, Theog in Himachal Pradesh, warmly wrapped in the arms of the mighty Himalayas, has everything a popular hill station can offer you minus the tourist rush.
14. Annandale:-Annadale is a famous attraction in Shimla having a splendid Golf Course, a Playground, a Cactus Museum, and an Indian Army Museum. All these aspects make Annadale a gorgeous attraction for holidaying and rejuvenation purposes.
15. Indian Institutes of Advanced Studies:-This is situated in the Observatory Hill, with the majestic structure made with Victorian-style architecture. It has now been converted into an academic institution that provides post-doctoral courses.
16. Scandal Point:- Walk through this park, to browse through a modest, yet colorful and vibrant collection of the Himachal state bird, the Monal Pheasant.
17. Himachal Bird Park:-Walk through this park, to browse through a modest, yet colorful and vibrant collection of the Himachal state bird, the Monal Pheasant.
18. Lakkar Bazar:-Shopping in Shimla revolves around the heart of the town- The Mall Road. One can buy local handicrafts, shawls, woolens, exquisite jewelry, etc. here.
19. Shimla Reserve Forest Sanctuary:-Popularly for its rare variety of flora and fauna, this wildlife Sanctuary is a must-visit for all wildlife enthusiasts. Animals like jackals, barking deer, muntjak, monkeys and leopards are commonly sighted here.

With tourism at the central focus of this hill-station, Shimla is not any but brimming with an option for food. There are a variety of eateries here from Dhabas, Bakeries, Local eating joints, Restaurants as well as fine dining restaurants.
 Cafe Sol
 Cecil Restaurant
 Ashiana and Goofa
 Wake and Bake Cafe
 Indian Coffee House
 Cafe Simla Times
 Cafe Hide Out
 The Central
 Himachali Rasoi
 The Brew Estate Shimla
March to June is the perfect time to wander in  Shimla when the weather during the daytime is pleasant. The weather during winters (November to February) is suitable for witnessing the snowfall, snow-activities and exploring the snow-covered surroundings. Tourism thrives in Shimla in all the seasons except the monsoons which begin in July and last till September.

"शिमला", जिसका नाम हिंदू देवी के नाम पर रखा गया हैश्याम देवीकाली का एक अवतारजो कि राजधानी भी है और इसलिए उत्तरी भारतीय राज्य हिमाचल प्रदेश का सबसे बड़ा शहर है।
1864 मेंभारत में "पहाड़ियों की रानीके रूप में भी जाना जाता हैशिमला को ब्रिटिश भारत की ग्रीष्मकालीन राजधानी के रूप में घोषित किया गया था।
हिमाचल की टेपेस्ट्री सबसे उत्तम प्राकृतिक दृश्यों के साथ बुनी गई है और समुद्र तल से 7000 फीट से अधिक शिमला की सुंदर पहाड़ियां हैंजहां यह राज्य के विचित्र हिल स्टेशन और राजधानी स्थित है।
 शिमला उद्भवकारी माहौल शानदार अतीत का मिश्रण हो सकता है और भारत को आजादी मिलने से पहले मौजूद एक जीवंतशिमला ब्रिटिश भारत की ग्रीष्मकालीन राजधानी थी और हिल स्टेशन साहिबों और यादों का प्रमुख गंतव्य थाक्योंकि वे ठंडाई के लिए अपना रास्ता थे इस क्षेत्र की पहाड़ी हवाकई किंवदंती और मिथक अभी भी इन प्रवासियों के उच्च प्रवाह वाले सामाजिक जीवनकाल के बारे में जीवित हैं।
इसने कई इमारतों को घेर लियाजो टुदोरीबेटन और नव-गोथिक वास्तुकला के भीतर स्टाइल की जाती हैंजो औपनिवेशिक युग से कई मंदिरों और चर्चों से निकलती हैं। औपनिवेशिक वास्तुकला और चर्चमंदिर और शहर का प्राकृतिक वातावरण पर्यटकों को आकर्षित करता है। शिमला में मॉल अक्सर सभी सामाजिक अंतराल के लिए केंद्र बिंदु थाआज तक मॉल रंग का दंगा बना हुआ हैजहां हर शाम छुट्टियां बिताते थे और इसलिए स्थानीय बैंड द्वारा जीवंत वातावरण को ऊंचा किया जाता है जो पर्यटकों को मनोरंजन करने के लिए हर गर्मियों में खेलता है।
कैसे पहुंचा जाये
वायुमार्ग: - शिमला हवाई अड्डाजिसे जुब्बड़हट्टी हवाई अड्डा भी कहा जाता हैमुख्य शहर से लगभग 20 किमी दूर है और किसी भी हिल स्टेशन पर बहुत कम हवाई अड्डों में से एक है। संभवतलिटलस्टर्स हवाई पट्टी के बीच मेंजब विमान लैंड करता हैतो सवारी काफी उबड़ खाबड़ होती है। हालांकिचूंकि यह हवाई अड्डा पूरे वर्ष कार्यात्मक नहीं हैइसलिए हवाई अड्डों को जोड़ने के रूप में चंडीगढ़ या दिल्ली पर बसना उचित है। चंडीगढ़ तक हवाई मार्ग से आने वाले लोग शिमला में सफल होने के लिए कैब बुक करना बेहतर समझते हैंजिसमें 3-4 घंटे लग सकते हैं। नियमित बसें भी हैं। दिल्ली हवाई अड्डे से शिमला आने में लगभग 7-8 घंटे लगते हैं।
रेलवे: - शिमला से निकटतम ब्रॉड गेज रेलवे स्टेशन कालका रेलवे स्टेशन है जो केवल 90 किमी दूर है। चंडीगढ़ रेलमार्ग स्टेशन शिमला से केवल 113 किमी दूर है। उन दोनों रेलवे स्टेशनों सेशिमला स्थानीय बसों और टैक्सी के साथ अच्छी तरह से जुड़ा हुआ है। शिमला का अपना रेलमार्ग स्टेशन हैलेकिन केवल कालका से रेलमार्ग ट्रैक ट्रेनें यहां पहुंचती हैं। कालका से ट्रेन द्वारा यहां पहुंचने में लगभग 5-6 घंटे लगते हैंलेकिन यह सुरंगों और दृश्यों के साथ एक शानदार यात्रा है जो मार्ग पर अतिरिक्त समय के लिए बनाती है।
रोडवेज: - शिमला एक गर्म पर्यटन स्थल है और शिमला से दिल्लीजयपुरपंजाबहरियाणा और उत्तर प्रदेश के कुछ हिस्सों के लिए बसें चलती हैं।

कहाँ रहा जाए
 स्नो वैली रिजॉर्ट शिमला
 आशियाना क्लार्क्स इन
  सिडर ग्रैंड होटल
 होटल विलो बैंक
Ion अमृतरा  सियोन
 क्लार्क्स होटल
 होटल मरीना
 होटल सूर्या
 होटल कोम्बरमेरे
 कार्डिनल रोयाल रिट्रीट
जाने का स्थान
1.  रिज: - यह शिमला का सबसे लोकप्रिय स्थल है। शिमला के हिम्मत में मॉल रोड पर स्थितयह अक्सर एक तरह से प्यार और आनंद लिया जाता हैजहां आगंतुक आते हैं और आसपास के क्षेत्रों के विचारों के भीतर खुद को भिगोते हैं।
2. कुफरी: -यह मुख्य शहर से महज 13 किमी की दूरी पर है जो ज्यादा ठंडा है और इसे शिमला का चचेरा भाई माना जा सकता है। यहाँ के दृश्य और कैंची केवल उबरते हैंऔर इसलिए परिदृश्य अधिक चापलूसी करते हैंएक स्पर्श पर्यटक भीड़ से अछूता है।
3. तत्तापानी: - हिंदी में आमतौर पर गर्म पानी का अर्थ हैतत्तापानी शिमला से 51 किमी दूर स्थित एक छोटा सा गाँव है। यह स्थान सभ्य पानी के झरनों के लिए प्रसिद्ध है और इसलिए प्रसिद्ध शिव गुफाएँ हैं।
4. चैल: -यह हिमाचली का छोटा सा गाँव समुद्र तल से 2250 मीटर की ऊँचाई पर स्थित है और इसे हाइकर के स्वर्ग के रूप में जाना जाता है। हरे-भरे हरियाली से घिरे और इतनी शानदार ऊंचाई से देखने के बादचैल पर्यटकों को एक यादगार यात्रा प्रदान करता है।
5. मॉल रोडशिमला में शोपिंग शहर के दिल के आसपास घूमती हैमॉल रोड। यहां से स्थानीय हस्तशिल्पशॉलऊनी कपड़ेउत्तम गहने आदि खरीद सकते हैं।
6. कालका शिमला टॉय ट्रेनकालका और शिमला के माध्यम से एक सुखद ट्रेन की सवारी और अंग्रेजों को पीछे छोड़ दिया हैयह एक बहुत कोशिश अनुभव हैजबकि यहाँ है। यह मार्ग दुनिया के सबसे अग्रणी ट्रेन मार्गों में से एक है और यह एक रेलमार्ग ट्रैक ट्रेन मार्ग है और यह कालका को शिमला से जोड़ता है।
7. शिमला क्राइस्ट चर्च: - मॉल रोड में स्थितयह चर्च उत्तर भारत का दूसरा सबसे पुराना चर्च है। अंदरूनी और नव-गॉथिक संरचनाएं अद्भुत हैं और इस चर्च को शिमला में सबसे महत्वपूर्ण आकर्षणों में से एक बनाती हैं।
8. जाखू मंदिर: - इस मंदिर में दुनिया की सबसे बड़ी हनुमान प्रतिमा हैजो शिमला के अधिकांश हिस्सों से दिखाई देती है। मंदिर की यात्रा करेंइस प्रतिमा को सीधा देखें और अपनी भव्यता के साथ अपनी गर्दन को मोड़ दें।
9. ग्रीन वैली: -कुफरी एक खूबसूरत पर्वत श्रृंखला के रास्ते में बस स्टैंड से लगभग पांच मिनट की दूरी पर ग्रीन वैली है। घाटी शिमला के भव्य शहर के लिए भगवान का उपहार है। जगह की हरियाली और आश्चर्य मंत्रमुग्ध कर देने वाला है और माना जाता है कि आप सब कुछ भूल जाते हैं।
10. मशोबरा: -यह एक छोटा और अपेक्षाकृत कम अन्वेषण वाला शहर हैजो मुख्य शिमला से मात्र 10 किमी की दूरी पर है। पर्यटक यहां आराम करने और प्रकृति की गोद में आराम करने के लिए आते हैंजहाँ वनस्पतियों और जीवों की समृद्धि प्रचुर मात्रा में है।
11. नालदेहरा: - नालदेहरा शिमला से लगभग 22 किमी दूर स्थित है और नालदेहरा गोल्फ क्लब के लिए प्रसिद्ध है। 2200 मीटर की ऊंचाई पर स्थितयह अक्सर 18 होल गोल्फ लिंक है और भारत में सबसे सरल गोल्फ कोर्सों में से एक है।
12. हिमाचल राज्य संग्रहालय: - हिमाचल राज्य संग्रहालय माल रोड पर स्थित है और इसमें प्राचीन सिक्केपेंटिंग और अन्य हस्तकला की वस्तुओं जैसे अद्वितीय संग्रह हैंजिनमें से सौंदर्यशास्त्र कला के पहाड़ी रूप से प्रभावित हैं।
13. दलदल: -एक शांत बचराज्य के कम भीड़ वाले आकर्षणों में से एकहिमाचल प्रदेश में ठियोगजो शक्तिशाली हिमालय की बाहों में लिपटा हुआ हैसब कुछ एक लोकप्रिय हिल स्टेशन है जो आपको पर्यटक की भीड़ को लुभा सकता है।
14. अन्नाडेल: -अन्नदले शिमला में एक शानदार गोल्फ कोर्सएक खेल का मैदानएक कैक्टस संग्रहालयऔर एक भारतीय सेना संग्रहालय है। ये सभी पहलू अन्डाडेल को छुट्टियों और कायाकल्प प्रयोजनों के लिए एक भव्य आकर्षण बनाते हैं।
15. भारतीय उन्नत अध्ययन संस्थान: -यह वेधशाला हिल में स्थित हैजिसमें विक्टोरियन शैली की वास्तुकला के साथ राजसी संरचना है। अब इसे एक अकादमिक संस्थान में बदल दिया गया है जो पोस्ट-डॉक्टरल पाठ्यक्रम प्रदान करता है।
16. स्कैंडल पॉइंट: - हिमाचल राज्य पक्षीमोनाल तीतर के एक मामूलीअभी तक रंगीन और जीवंत संग्रह के माध्यम से ब्राउज़ करने के लिएइस पार्क के माध्यम से चलो।
17. हिमाचल बर्ड पार्क: -इस पार्क के माध्यम सेहिमाचल राज्य पक्षीमोनाल तीतर के एक मामूलीअभी तक रंगीन और जीवंत संग्रह के माध्यम से ब्राउज़ करने के लिए।
18. लक्कड़ बाजारशिमला में शोपिंग शहर के दिल के आसपास घूमता है मॉल रोड। यहां से स्थानीय हस्तशिल्पशॉलऊनी कपड़ेउत्तम गहने आदि खरीद सकते हैं।
19. शिमला रिज़र्व फॉरेस्ट सैंक्चुअरी: -पूरी तरह से वनस्पतियों और जीवों के लिएयह वन्यजीव अभयारण्य सभी वन्यजीव उत्साही लोगों के लिए एक यात्रा है। आमतौर पर सियारभौंकने वाले हिरणमुंतजकबंदर और तेंदुए जैसे जानवर देखे जाते हैं।

कहाँ खाना है
इस हिल-स्टेशन के केंद्रीय केंद्र में पर्यटन के साथशिमला भोजन के विकल्प के साथ कोई और नहीं है। ढाबोंबेकरियोंस्थानीय खाने के जोड़ोंरेस्तरां के साथ-साथ बढ़िया भोजन रेस्तरां से यहां विभिन्न प्रकार के भोजनालय हैं।
 कैफे सोल
 सेसिल रेस्तरां
 आशियाना और गूफा
 वेक एंड बेक कैफे
House इंडियन कॉफी हाउस
 कैफे सिमला टाइम्स
Out कैफे छिपाएँ
Ras हिमाचली रसोई
 ब्रू एस्टेट शिमला
यात्रा के लिए सबसे अच्छा समय
मार्च से जून शिमला में घूमने का सही समय है जब दिन के दौरान 
मौसम सुहावना होता है। सर्दियों के दौरान (नवंबर से फरवरीके 
दौरान मौसम बर्फबारीबर्फ की गतिविधियों को देखने और 
बर्फ से ढके हुए वातावरण की खोज के लिए उपयुक्त है। 
जुलाई में शुरू होने वाले और सितंबर तक चलने वाले मानसून को 
छोड़कर पर्यटन सभी मौसमों में शिमला में संपन्न होता है।

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